Forces Help to Buy

In April 2014 ‘Forces Help To Buy’ replaced ‘Long Service Advance of Pay’ as the way in which members of the armed forces buying your first home can receive up to 50% of your current salary to use as a deposit on the property.

This is then repaid in small monthly amounts from your pay.

  • Do all lenders accept FHTB?
  • How does it affect the mortgage process?
  • Do you still have the same mortgage options?
  • When Will you pay tax on FHTB?
  • You previously used LSAP to buy your first home, are you eligible to use FHTB now?
  • Does this affect how much you can borrow?

We regularly deal with forces personnel using FHTB and we can deal with all of your queries and handle any issues that arise?

And then when you have found a property we do all of the hard work for you, ensuring that we get you the ideal mortgage package that fits your budget and then we make the move into your new home as easy as possible.

And we do not charge you a fee for what we do…

Help To Buy